Did The Pinchuk Art Centre Foreshadow Covid-19?
While searching for info on Pinchuk and Yushchenko I found a string of Twitter posts on Ukraine. Midway down it becomes nearly verbatim my Pinchuk Pizzagate Wiki article with some info akin to Searchvoat’s ASolo mixed in as well. The tweets are by Artisbrutal2021. I am going to give him/her the benefit of the doubt that they either saw it in Pizzagate Wiki where it was unattributed or that the failure was a simple oversight. The whole thing is well worth a read.
https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1497324270812286977 (The Tweets)
https://archive.ph/4UVjx (The Archived Wiki page)
https://searchvoat.co/v/GreatAwakening/2433650 (Where I admit authorship.)
Anyway, that is not the point of this post. Artisbrutal21 did have one fantastic find that I want to discuss. There was an artist named Barthélémy Toguo that displayed his art at the Pinchuk Art Centre that featured viruses and agents of contagions including bats.
https://twitter.com/artisbrutal2021/sta ... 22/photo/1
Vaincre le Virus I, VIII and III, 2016, courtesy Barthélémy Toguo, Bandjoun Station/Galerie Lelong & Co
https://archive.ph/DyunW (Picture and article discovered by the superb Searchvoat user Kestrel9.)
"In addition to wearing a political hat, Pinchuk is a prominent patron of the arts and the industrialist owns a local art gallery, Pinchuk Art Center, located in downtown Kyiv. Intrigued by the sound of the center’s current exhibit, which is perhaps somewhat appropriately titled “Fragile State,” I took a tour of the gallery. “The title of the show is meant to reflect Ukraine’s underlying uncertainty since the country doesn’t know where to turn,” remarks Valeria Schiller, an art historian, student and guide at Pinchuk Art Center. To be sure, Schiller adds, the exhibit must be seen in the context of Ukraine’s wider political travails and discussions taking place at the YES conference just outside the city center. Nevertheless, my guide explains, “we don’t want to make any overt political points as a museum, but merely to give the viewer a sense of the overall psychological vulnerability of Ukrainian society today.”
Schiller gestures to a series of life-size vases depicting viruses and other agents of contagion such as bats. The work, which is created by artist Barthélémy Toguo, is meant to underscore humanity’s fragile relationship to water and contamination." https://archive.ph/wip/LMVrQ (origin of quote)
The Fragile State art exhibit also featured Marina Abramovic.
Oh, and Damien Hirst who famously did his pharma Baxter art (the people who did the Ukrainian swine flu vaccines that contained a live virus.). https://archive.ph/wip/V9E4J Credit to Swordfish69 for that info. https://searchvoat.co/v/pizzagate/2062747
More links on Barthélémy Toguo.
I also want to point out that Pinchuk has personally interviewed Yuval Noah Harari. Yuval is the personal advisor of Klaus Schwab, the founder of the WEF. In the clip they discuss how "global problems require global solutions" and that we need a global government to combat climate change. Yuval has also previously talked about "hackable humans", "getting under the skin to get biometric data" and how automation is making it so that we don't need most of the population. Essentially, Yuval is an 'expert' in transhumanism, technocracy and depopulation. This connection makes it all the more likely that Pinchuk knew that Covid-19 was going to be created as he has long had a very cushy relationship with the WEF and George Soros.
Kestrel9 says “Because the Vases were painted in 2016 I'm inclined to believe that Toguo's Vases were chosen to be included in the 'Secret Evidence' 2018 exhibit to bring up the topic of pandemics/viruses etc., which was a theme in 2018 (via simulation exercises) that overlapped with the earliest cases of Covid19 in China. The Art Museum circuit is used by powerful elites for their political purpose and shaping culture. A preexisting tie in with Ukraine is intriguing.” (23) Did the Pinchuk Art Centre foreshadow Covid-19? - The SearchVoat Forum
He then notes that the World Health Organization (WHO) did a global pandemic simulation in December of 2018. The Secret Evidence exhibit went from September 22nd to November 30th, 2018. https://archive.ph/DyunW https://archive.ph/YIrGa
Then there is Event 201, where the WEF and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation simulated a global pandemic right before things truly kicked off.
“The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security in partnership with the World Economic Forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation hosted Event 201, a high-level pandemic exercise on October 18, 2019, in New York, NY. The exercise illustrated areas where public/private partnerships will be necessary during the response to a severe pandemic in order to diminish large-scale economic and societal consequences.” https://archive.ph/lhfLe/again?url=https://www.centerforhealthsecurity.org/our-work/exercises/event201/
So, what do you think? Is it a bizarre coincidence (as bats do sometimes carry disease and an African artist would probably be more exposed to those than many others.) Or was this work made full well knowing that a planned gained-of-function bioweapon pandemic was coming using bats? The fact that it was shown in Ukraine, where they have biolabs, by a figure associated with Soros and the WEF makes it even weirder.