Newsweek is running defense for the Chapman brothers and Pinault after some prominent sites like Infowars and The Gateway Pundit discussed their pedophilic art in relation to Pinault’s Christies art auction location. The Newsweek article by Ryan Smith is funny as the first of them obstinately refuses to show any of the art with the second article meekly showing one of the creepy pieces that wasn’t overtly sexual. If this is a contrived scandal then show the art with kids, you fucking pussy! They also fail to mention that Pinault himself owns some of the Chapman art. Even some of Newsweek own commentors called them out for that, in a hilarious display. I don’t envy Ryan having to defend some of the vilest degenerate filth imaginable. The only proper excuses they have for the debacle is to associate those talking about it with Qanon and to claim Pinault has nothing to do with it. The second claim is bogus as he owns some of their work and kids with penis noses is literally Jake and Dinos Chapman’s bread and butter art (what everyone first thinks of when they hear the name). But I guess those that hold '“conspiracy theories” are worse to the Newsweek crowd than those who shamelessly sexualize kids. I archived the Newsweek articles so that your clicks won’t help Ryan buy his blue checkmark from Elon.
So how did I think to look into the Chapman brothers in relation to Balenciaga? It is much the same as with
using his knowledge of how Rachel Chandler’s models looking like stressed and beaten trafficking victims and he noticed similarities to the appearance of Balenciaga models. With me, I was unaware of Balenciaga, but I did remember years back that Louis Vuitton did a line of purses with Jeff Koons that had attracted Pizzagate researchers’ attention (I believe it was user Think- who found it). Back then I thought it was probably an unimportant lead and just Koons grifting. But remembering that made me want to look back into artist-fashion company connections. I tried looking up Balenciaga and the Chapman brothers and I found out that Louis Vuitton has a few designer bags featuring their art. Once I discovered that Pinault was the owner of the parent company of Balenciaga, I was able to piece together the connection. was aware of the Chapman brothers after investigating the art of the Victor Pinchuk Centre. Early into my Pizzagate research, I began to think that maybe Pinchuk’s art center was actually reputable when the first few things I saw appeared normal. Then I saw the Chapman brother’s hellish industrial holocaust art of the McDonalds land cast (yes, that is a thing). That got me interested in seeing their other art and the nightmare sprang from there. Interestingly, that same art I first saw later burned down and Pinault paid for it to be rebuilt. You can see it in the first link.
I did not make the connection to the Chapman brothers and Christie’s art gallery. As best I can tell, the find was first posted on 4chan and then spread to influencers and then finally the website Strange Sounds. Credit goes to whatever autist put that together! The person who wrote it might have been familiar with my research but there is no way to really know.
Anyway, this is a great victory. The media has proven to be so utterly shameless it will defend over glorified child pornographers. The greatest irony is at one time it was the mainstream media itself that was willing to call out the Chapmans. That man was James P. Pinkerton of the Los Angeles Times. He wrote, “Why haven't the media reported on that? - The critics and commentators don't want the real raw truth about this exhibit to get out, because they know that even they can't publicly defend Hustler-type photos or kiddie porn.” Well, that cat is out of the bag now.
(Dasha Zhukova and Dinos Chapman)