On Global Government
The WEF and other globalist organizations are obsessed with the concept of a one world government. A megalomaniacal obsession with global domination is now routine among the power elite. But this got me thinking; is global government even possible? To answer this question, we have to look at what nations even are and why people form them to begin with. https://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2022/05/25/rand_paul_its_not_a_conspiracy_theory_that_wef_wants_a_one_world_government_its_in_their_mission_statement.html#!
A nation is an abstraction only partly based on geography. Borders between nations are often purely imaginary without any direct physical distinction between where one sovereign country ends, and another begins. But nations being abstractions does not make them any less meaningful to those that belong to them. Humanity began first in small hunter-gatherer tribes and later small agrarian communities. What allowed humanity to grow beyond those was aspects such as a common culture, language, ethnicity, religion, and ethical values that connected them to a larger swath of people and allowed them to feel comfortable sharing a government with countless individuals that they have never even met. These shared traits led to the creation of the nation-state. Humanity is, at its core, concerned with the family unit. Individuals cooperate and get along based on the concept of kin altruism. Without kin altruism people need some reason to cooperate and associate with one another other than just some ruling authority demanding it.
Efforts to create homogenous traits that would be adopted across the world that would make global government possible have failed. The language Esperanto was created to be a universal language, but it is not so much a dead language as a language that was born dead. Attempts to get it widespread adoption failed. As no culture or group could identify with it, it lacked any appeal to nearly anyone. Currently its biggest claim to fame is George Soros father Tivadar chose the Esperanto word soros or “to soar” as his last name. https://www.tabletmag.com/sections/arts-letters/articles/secret-language-of-george-soros
When it comes to religion, most of those who desire global government are so atheistic that they fundamentally do not understand the appeal of religion that they cannot conceive of anything that could supplant the major global religions. Their best efforts are secular religions like socialism, scientism and radical environmentalism. While there are certainly those that have adopted these beliefs, they cannot compete with normal religions globally. Many cultures will never abandon their religions for this propagandistic dogma. Countries such as Islamic Middle Eastern nations or Orthodox Russia have no interest in what the WEF is selling. The effort to depose God and place the state in his place have failed.
On the topic of ethnicity, Marx famously asserted that many races would have to perish for his dream of a perfect utopian Communist world to be achieved. The Nazi’s similarly believed that certain groups were untermenchen deserving of elimination. To homogenize the world by race is, rather sickeningly, easier done than the above two methods as, in this age, people can create genetic specific bioweapons that can be used to target specific racial groups and genotypes. Zbigniew Brzezinski once said that it is now easier to kill people than it is to control them.
The final trait is shared values. In the U.S. our values stem from classical liberal values. Classical liberalism has no connection to the modern perversion of the word liberal as it is commonly used. Classical liberalism places value on individual rights, private property and the rule of law. For the WEF, they see man as having no inherent rights, openly claim that people will soon own nothing and don’t support other nation’s rule of law as that would mean letting people govern themselves and not adhering to the WEF’s will. To most nations, the WEF’s supposed values such as ESG and “stakeholder capitalism” are completely alien. They know they are not going to persuade the public to adopt their values so instead they intend to sneakily implement measures during times of crisis till people are so used to it they do not resist.
The BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India, and China) nations strongly desire self-government and believe every dog has its day. They will not hand over their sovereignty to the WEF and lose their chance of future success to the whims of the global power elite. Even in the West events such as BREXIT, the election of Donald Trump, and the Canadian trucker convoy strike show pushback to WEF desires. Even some on the modern left are realizing that modern policies do not have their best interests at heart.
Is global governance possible? While with a colossal decrease in the global population and outright tyranny it probably is but I do not think the WEF will succeed. They are parasites who cannot create a stable culture, much less one that encompasses the world and all its disparate peoples. The problem is in their greed and thirst for power how much damage will they inflict upon the world to try to archive their dream of ruling the world?