In Part 1 we established why Brock Pierce is a suspicious figure based on his involvement in DEN and his proximity to the rape of young boys by the Hollywood crowd. In part 2, we will examine his connection to the crypto world and the massive ramifications they have.
Brock Pierce is a co-founder of Tether. The digital ‘asset’ Tether is a called a stablecoin as it is supposed to be backed 1:1 by the United States dollar (although more properly called the Federal Reserve Note). It is alleged to enable the pumping and dumping of cryptocurrencies and it is possibly what enabled Bitcoin to temporarily reach the borderline unbelievable sum of $60,000 in 2021. I am absolutely no crypto expert, but I will try to explain the claims succinctly. In truth it is not fully backed by dollars. Lawyers for Tether at one point admitted that it was then only 74% backed. Now that FTX has declared bankruptcy, tether has lost its peg to the U.S. dollar completely so we will have to see what happens.
Essentially, Tether is a fractional reserve system, a system which operates in a manner similar to our current monetary system (which is currently imploding). Fractional reserve banking allows banks to lend out more money than they have in reserves, but which can also lead to bank runs if nearly everyone tries to remove their money at the same time. Crypto was created to be decentralized, with a market cap to prevent excessive devaluing such as what happened with excessive dollar creation (current inflation, anyone?), and does not appear to have ever been intended to operate in a fractional reserve way. All of the good early elements of crypto have been chipped away and I fear that now it operates more as the elite’s personal pump-and-dump than as the true evolution of money. Tether can make it appear that more dollars are in Bitcoin and other crypto than there actually are which causes the price to surge before the inevitable painful drop which harms many crypto investors. This operates to the advantage of Brock Pierce and the disadvantage of the layman crypto adoptee.
Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) would be the final perversion of crypto from a decentralized medium of exchange to an Orwellian nightmare of surveillance and control. With the demise of FTX you can expect to hear more cries that one is required to bring order to the turbulent unregulated crypto space. The fact that the chaos is due to FTX, a centralized exchange, manipulating the crypto space will be omitted as they call for an even bigger more unaccountable government monopoly.
Crypto can also be used to fund unscrupulous activity. Brock Pierce once attended a conference called Mindshift by Jeffrey Epstein where he discussed crypto. While in isolation this could be seen as a tangential connection, Pierce’s connection to Hollywood pedophile rings makes it far more troubling. Now that Brock lives in Puerto Rico he has been purchasing property that has resulted in increased property values for native Puerto Ricans. The purchases include an $18.3 million dollar hotel and a 5-million-dollar monastery. Another purchase was a children’s museum he intends to turn into a crypto clubhouse. Brock claimed he was building “Puertopia” an advanced city utopia fueled by crypto. However, he later changed the name when it was pointed out that Puertopia meant “eternal boy playgroup” in Latin (I am seriously not making this up).! Making a Crypto Utopia in Puerto Rico - The New York Times (
The question remains, was Brock Pierce genuinely trying to make an eternal boy playground? Is he running the trafficking ring Nikolai Mushegian spoke of just before he died? I hope not but I believe the question needs to be asked. There is too much corruption in the cryptocurrency scene to not seriously examine it. Also, lest we forget, this.