The Targeting of the Roma for Trafficking in Ukraine
I’ve been continuing to research the child trafficker Denys Varodi from my last post. In 2006 a college dissertation was written about the Roma in Ukraine. Varodi was one of the people spoken to by the writer for research. He tells them that he is Roma and that he grew up in a boarding school in Perechyn for orphans and children of parent who had their parental privileges revoked (info is located on page 96). If Wikipedia is to be believed it is the only school of its type in Perechyn. That means he was raised the Perechyn School for Orphans and Children Deprived of Parental Care which Varodi now claims it is a front for an organ trafficking ring. Varodi now claims that the school’s director Vasyl Koba and his son Vasyl Koba Jr. were involved in the sale of children.
Denys Varodi’s profile picture on Instagram is fittingly a pair of hands holding a human heart. While it publicly appeared to be a reference to his Heart With Love (front) charity it seems a subtle nod to the organ trafficking that he is facilitating. From his Instagram we can learn a few things. His charity works with the Roma NGO Chachimo which means truth. Chachimo is run by Mykola Burlutskyi.
One interesting aspect is both Burlutskyi and Soros have spoken out against the problem of Roma statelessness. That is, Roma that belong to no nation and legally are considered to not even exist on paper. In Ukraine the number of stateless Roma is particularly high with Burlutskyi estimating it to be around 10% and others thinking it could be as high as 20% (see page 15). For a human trafficker there is no better target than someone with no parents, no nationality and no legal records of their existence.
The important question is Soros and many other nominally pro-Roma NGOs actually trying to fix the problem or are they wolves in sheep’s clothing? If they were honest intentioned why did none of them discover what Denys Varodi was up to when a single Ukrainian journalist could break the story? According to Varodi the Perechyn boarding school had missing kids back in the time period of 2010-2014. This is not a recent development to stem from the war but a well-established illegal business. It also only appears to have really taken off (at least in this case) after the Orange Revolution. It is known that Soros International Renaissance Foundation funded Euromaiden in Ukraine and pushed for the ousting of former president Yanukovych. Soros now refers to Ukraine as part of the post-Soviet bloc he calls the Soros empire. More investigation needs to be done into those funding and assisting Denys Varodi to find out if they were truly dupes or deliberate predators on the Roma people.