*Another excerpt*
The technocratic ideology of Brzezinski was later adopted by the World Economic Forum (WEF). While Brzezinski himself was unwilling to directly admit his support for a technocratic system the WEF had no such compunction. Brzezinski’s exhaustively in-depth writings outlined how he thought it would best make such a technocratic system work, however, he never directly endorsed it and just treated it as a hypothetical possibility in his writings. It is most likely he knew that honestly endorsing it would help draw attention to the plan and fuel opposition to the technocratic system and it was better to stay low-key and let the information slowly get to similarly minded people. But by 2020 Klaus Schwab blatantly began endorsing the plan under the pretext of their plan the Great Reset.
Yuval Noah Harari, the Israeli author and influential WEF advisor, is probably the closest thing to a true intellectual heir Zbigniew Brzezinski currently has. Despite being nowhere near as intelligent as his predecessor Yuval is every bit as morally bankrupt and egotistical. Yuval blatantly wrote that increased automation, artificial intelligence and bioengineering will render most of the population useless. This unemployed, so-called, “useless class” he thinks must be distracted by things such as video games after they lose any sense of purpose from work. Yuval believes that this will lead to violence. It is ironic that Yuval’s own books are in no way necessary, and they mainly serve as instruction manuals to the parasitic power elite. For someone who is quick to call others useless, his books are simply the masturbatory indulgences of a depraved mind.
Yuval is also a big proponent of transhumanism, the merging of man and technology to create essentially cyborg individuals. He claims transhuman individuals will be humanity 2.0 and those who refuse to augment themselves will be increasingly shut out of society. He also believes that technology will lead to humanity becoming “hackable animals” where governments and corporations can hack the human body using biometric technology. Yuval gives no reason why anyone would want transhuman technological implants if they increasingly put you at risk of having your very biometric data or even your very life controlled by uncaring outside groups. After all, this appears to be the very idea that he likes. Harari: 'Don't Need The Vast Majority Of The Population' (technocracy.news) Rebellion of the Hackable Animals - WSJ
As a gay man, Yuval is not interested in the continuation of his genes through having children. This is notable because all of his writings are from an evolutionary perspective where perpetuation of one's genes is the most important thing. For Yuval, he seeks to eliminate this problem by living forever. Rather than accept the inevitability of death, Yuval is willing to renounce his intrinsic humanity if it can buy him some more time on this Earth. He notes that Google is investing huge amounts of money into a business called Calico (like the color of cat) to end natural death. In the Epic of Gilgamesh from ancient Mesopotamia, the first known piece of literature, the powerful demigod Gilgamesh has to accept that he is fated to die and that there is no way to avoid this. For all Yuval’s posturing about his own intelligence, he comes nowhere close to the foundational wisdom shown by the character of Gilgamesh. Yuval displays the flaw of hubris and in ancient myth those who display it do not meet the end that they desire. Unfortunately, Yuval and those in the WEF are willing to harm, impoverish and tyrannize anyone to try to accomplish their pie in the sky goals so they are more than willing to drag down others with them. Yuval Noah Harari caught in the Immortality Trap: how to frame Open Lifespan poorly – Open Lifespan Google Calico and a Brief History of the Immortality Business | TIME.com
Covid-19 appears to be an integral part of creating a global surveillance system for the WEF. Yuval wrote that the Coronavirus pandemic could be the event needed to get the masses to accept biometric surveillance under their skin. The WEF also recommended parents microchip their children for supposed ‘safety’ reasons and encouraged the use of technological implants to detect Covid-19.
Independent journalist Emerald Robinson noted that the Covid-19 vaccines are rumored to contain graphene oxide as a secret ingredient. The Spanish organization La Quinta Columna (the 5th column) claims that they had found graphene oxide within a Covid-19 vaccine vial. The media insists this is a baseless conspiracy theory but there are genuine peer-reviewed scholarly articles discussing the possible use of graphene oxide in vaccines. If graphene oxide nanoparticles are in fact in the coronavirus vaccines, they could easily transmit biometric data fulfilling Yuval Harari’s wishes for mass surveillance. Yuval Noah Harari: the world after coronavirus | Free to read | Financial Times Yuval Hariri Tells You What The Vaccines Really Do (substack.com) WEF: Become Cyborgs, Chip Your Children, Implant Brain Chips (technocracy.news)
During the WEF’s India Economic Summit speaker Sadhguru (real name Jagadish Vasudev) confessed that he wanted less people on the planet. On his Isha foundation website, he wrote this about population growth “So just by individual fancy going on doing things, humanity cannot afford it anymore. It's time human beings function consciously, that just coming to zero percent growth is not good enough, we have to go into a minus, only then in the next… instead of projecting by 2050 we’ll be 9.6, why can’t we determine that by 2050 we’ll be 3.5 or four billion people?” Outside of women foregoing childbirth Sadhguru does not give any more information about how this goal of reducing the population to 4 billion could be achieved.
(WATCH) WEF Guru Says ‘They Want More Souls, I Want Less On The Planet’ (welovetrump.com) Population Explosion (sadhguru.org)
The easiest solution to their perceived population problem, which the WEF will never publicly admit to, is depopulation. After all, Yuval Harari has said that most of the population will be rendered useless and replaced by machines and AI. The simple but ruthless answer to dealing with overpopulation and a large percentage of unemployed people with their lives destroyed is to simply eliminate their existence before they can cause a problem. As Yuval’s smarter intellectual predecessor Brzezinski noted, “It is easier to kill one million people than to control them.” Brzezinski mentioned that in the past it was the exact opposite. If Yuval and the WEF agree with Brzezinski then clearly, they would think that it is easier to simply kill much of the population than to expect it to voluntarily forgo the choice of having children and to own property which threatens the WEF’s worldview. Zbigniew Brzezinski: It’s Easier to Kill 1 Million People Than Control 1 Million People (nationaltimesaustralia.com) Harari: 'Don't Need The Vast Majority Of The Population' (technocracy.news)
Most sane people would object to depopulation because of the concept of natural law which is ingrained into Western culture. If man was endowed by the right to life by their creator then it is morally wrong to depopulate them. While most would link this to Christianity many of the founding fathers of the United States were Deist who still, none-the-less, believed that man had inalienable rights. This notion was rooted in the works of John Locke whose concept of natural law caused a paradigm shift in the very concept of the function of government. Prior to this Thomas Hobbes believed that a prince, monarch, or ruler could act according to their will with no regard to the concept of their subjects having ‘rights.’ The WEF desires very much not just the leviathan of Hobbes but a techno-leviathan. In Christianity and other religions, the human soul is seen as having inherent value and life is sacred. Whether in its religious or Lockean form, the idea that man has a right to life permeates the modern world. Yuval Harari is an atheist and he believes that both God and human rights are a myth. His moral nihilism means that human rights can be trampled if he (or other supposed experts) deem there an environmental or scientific reason for it. From his perspective, issues like climate change and overpopulation can justify gross violations of human rights. NO GOD & NO HUMAN RIGHTS | Yuval Noah Harari - YouTube
The WEF has a blatantly negative Malthusian view of the world, where precious resources will be used up by rampant population growth and the world teeters on the brink of ruin. This is all the odder in that they also have dreams of technological augmentation turning them into immortal Gods on Earth. Technological advancement in efficient supply chains has led to the world to be able to support a much larger population than Thomas Malthus would have ever dreamed possible. If they believe the heretofore impossible task of immortality is achievable through technology, you would think they would think it could overcome resource scarcity issues through increased innovation. This view is a rather huge contradiction; we are led to believe that they think technology cannot help the world feed and support more people, but it can lead a select elite few to transhuman immortality where they can rule the masses eternally as digital dictators whose power far outclasses the Roman Emperors. It is more likely that they know full well that there can be steps taken to support more people. However, if the technocrats cannot control these new people born then why would our would-be elites want them? The problem then is less the tragedy of the commons and more a classic Greek tragedy. Billionaire Elon Musk has gone so far as to say the world can support a much larger population and that population reduction is a more pressing problem. As Shakespeare might write, “The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our population, but in our technocrats.”
The population that would naturally be skeptical of a depopulation agenda had the topic breached into mainstream consciousness through, an unlikely source, Disney’s blockbuster Avengers: Infinity War and Avengers: Endgame films. Films based on Marvel comics had become enormously popular and someone well connected clearly thought they would make a fantastic way to introduce a large audience to themes of depopulation from a sympathetic antagonist. The character Thanos plans to use several incredibly powerful macguffins to wipe out half the life in the universe in order to stave off ecological disaster. This was a change from the comics where Thanos desired mass murder and was never meant to be sympathetic. In contrast to the real individuals at the WEF and Davos who revel in opulence while complaining of vastly poorer individuals carbon footprints, the fictional movie Thanos is humble and wants a meager but peaceful and sustainable life after completing his depopulation task. In short, he is a true believer while the individuals at the WEF are at best massive hypocrites and at worst (and in my opinion most probably) merely using the Hegelian dialectic to sucker people. While the films grossly oversimplify and mischaracterize the depopulation issue it appears it was successful in convincing some of the population that depopulation can be a noble goal.
In technocracy scientists are exalted and expected to lead society. No man represented this phenomenon more so than Dr. Anthony Fauci. The media elevated him from a government bureaucrat to a nearly overnight celebrity. Anthony Fauci is the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease (NIAID) who became famous during the 2020 Covid-19 pandemic for his strong support of lockdowns, mask mandates (and sometimes wearing multiple masks at once), and later the Covid-19 vaccines. Steve Bannon dubbed him the high priest of scientism as he treats science less like a method by which to obtain information and more like an all-knowing god.
Fauci was notorious for giving changing recommendations and lacking consistency in what he said. To explain this behavior, he said that he merely listened to the science and that in science things can change. This is certainly true, however, many of the things Fauci spoke about were rather immutable. For example, Fauci initially said that wearing masks was not recommended for Covid-19 and then later wanted it to be a requirement. He wrote in his emails,
"Masks are really for infected people to prevent them from spreading infection to people who are not infected rather than protecting uninfected people from acquiring infection. The typical mask you buy in the drug store is not really effective in keeping out virus, which is small enough to pass through material. It might, however, provide some slight benefit in keep out gross droplets if someone coughs or sneezes on you." Fauci Said Masks 'Not Really Effective in Keeping Out Virus,' Email Reveals (newsweek.com)
While scientists can change their mind based on new evidence and data, the size of Covid-19 particles never changed. For there to be this problem the best-case scenario is the size of Covid-19 particles was incorrectly estimated due to human error. However, Fauci never says that the size measurements have changed which leads us to believe that Coronavirus particles could still easily go through drug store masks. Just as Hillary Clinton spoke about having both public and private positions, so too did Anthony Faci appear to have them. Fauci was probably simply willing to be honest in his private email correspondence and not to the general public. On the topic of if people on airplanes should be required to wear masks (which he believed strongly they should) Fauci said this to Neil Chauvin of Fox News,
“One of the issues, Neil, that I have articulated in the past and I will in the future - it is less about mandates on the plane than is about who has the right and the authority and the capability of making public health decisions. I believe that the department of justice is operating on the principle that decisions that are public health decisions belong with the public health agency, in this case, the CDC. So it’s more of a matter of principle of where the authority lies than it is about whether there is going to be a mandate on a plane or not.” Fauci Admits Fight Over Travel Mask Mandate Is All About Hoarding Power | The Daily Caller
Here Fauci admits that he thinks public health agencies should be able to make health policy for private businesses. This view perfectly lines up with the view of the WEF that so-called “experts'' should make decisions and not those who actually do so in a representative republic. In fact, Fauci appeared in a WEF video talking where he said, “Covid-19 has laid bare the systemic social inequities. Addressing these larger problems must become our priority.” Of course, even if we were to hypothetically take Facui’s word on scientific matters as absolute truth there is no reason to listen to him on social matters. Scientists are specialists and generally occupy a narrow area of expertise. Outside of scientific matters he is not necessarily any more knowledgeable than anyone else. While Fauci is entitled to his opinions, in this area his views should hold no more weight than that of a random person off the street. Science also tells us nothing about moral questions which generally is much more a matter of philosophy and religion. Dr Fauci – the Politician & Stooge of WEF | Armstrong Economics
The WEF’s economic policies, for all their buzz words, are not anything that many people want. In the WEF’s video titled “8 Predictions for the World in 2030” it contains a line so unpopular and reviled that WEF’s managing director Adrian Monck has taken to saying it stems not from them but from an anti-Semitic post on the imageboard 4chan. That line is, “You’ll own nothing. And you’ll be happy.” While the video from them is still available online Monck still insisted it was disinformation from bad faith actors. WEF Director Claims 'You'll Own Nothing & Be Happy' Is 'Focus of Disinformation Campaign' (sociable.co)
In an op-ed published on the WEF website called “The solution to online abuse? AI plus human Intelligence.” it laid out an approach for engaging in internet censorship. It lumped in child sexual abuse material with the very loosely defined disinformation and hate speech for things to be censored. The fact is that one is illegal while the other two are constitutionally protected in the U.S. is not addressed. While some countries have hate crime laws in the U.S. hate speech is not a defined concept and so unless the speech in question breaks some other law then it is constitutionally protected. Then again, the WEF never seemed concerned with national sovereignty. As the WEF considers anything that does not agree with its Great Reset disinformation the word is meaningless when used by them.
The popular website Twitter purged countless accounts where people expressed routine Republican opinions in the name of fighting disinformation. However, it is currently being sued by a John Doe for refusing to remove child porn of the individual that was illegally uploaded, and Twitter claimed it did not violate their terms of service. Twitter only ever relented and removed the material after being ordered to by an agent from the Department of Homeland Security. Online there has been a brigade of censorship where people could be banned for saying they thought Covid-19 came from a lab, or for talking about the contents of Hunter Biden’s laptop during the 2020 election cycle. Both claims which were labeled disinfo are now being increasingly vindicated. Twitter showed that it was more concerned with acting as the thought police than in protecting actual children. While the WEF is quick to talk about disinformation and hate speech it pays mere lip service to the idea of helping children. Censorship has already reached berserk levels in many cases, and this has not seemed to lead to a similar increase in eliminating child sexual abuse material. It got to the point that while Twitter ran about suppressing any dissenting opinions companies had to be informed that their ads had appeared next to profiles trying to sell child pornography. Not wanting to deal with the massive blowback that this could deal to their reputation, some companies became wary of advertising with Twitter altogether. Minor Sues Twitter For Allegedly Refusing To Remove Child Porn | The Daily Caller Twitter Ran Ads on Profiles Trading in Child Sexual Abuse Content (cnet.com)
Another method of censorship and controlling the online narrative is called fact checking. Despite the name, they are not actual fact checks and Facebook (who is partnered with many such fact checking groups) asserts that they are actually “protected opinions” as this would protect them from libel accusations. This claim is deeply hypocritical as these so-called protected opinions exist to combat other free speech which they claim does not have a right to exist as it is misinformation. Fact checking became openly absurd when the Associated Press fact checked then President Donald Trump’s opinion that actress Meryl Streep was overrated. As this was obviously a matter of personal opinion, there is no way to genuinely fact check such a claim. From there things only got worse, The Washington Post claimed emails found on Hunter Biden’s laptop were probable Russian disinformation which was later revealed to be completely false.
Facebook court filing: 'fact checks' are 'protected opinions' (insiderpaper.com)
No, AP, you don’t need to “fact-check” Trump’s tweet about Meryl Streep. (slate.com) Fact check: Wuhan lab, vaccine research affiliates not linked (archive.ph) Washington Post admits Hunter Biden laptop is real (nypost.com)
Fact checking operates in many insidious ways. The easiest way is, of course, simply to flat out lie. But some of the more effective ways are to find inaccuracies in part of a claim to try to discredit the whole or to find a quibble in the wording that makes the claim less sturdy. Because of this fact checkers deliberately look for the worst informed statement so that they can have an easy time fighting a straw man even if far more accurate versions of the same statement exist. Since most readers care more about the final judgment of true or false and less about the rationale behind it, fact checkers can use truly pathetic rationale to assign their claim. For example, USA Today assigned a false label to the claim that “Ukraine largest donor to the Clinton Foundation 1999-2014,” since it was actually just the one Ukrainian individual Victor Pinchuk who was the top donor to the Clinton Foundation. This is technically true; however, the reality is arguably worse as Pinchuk is accused of stealing IMF money and possibly gave some of said stolen money to the Clinton Foundation. Instead of pointing this out, the fact checkers deem something false so that they can then imply that it is beneath consideration. After all, fact checking is not about getting to the truth but rather strangling potentially damaging narratives to the power elite while they are still in their cribs. Fact check: Clinton Foundation donors don't include Ukraine government (usatoday.com)
One of the major fact checking groups is the Poynter Institute. It is funded by The Open Society Foundation of George Soros and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Soros and Bill Gates had much to gain in having fact checkers acting as their personal public relations agents. Any online pushback to their plans could then be dismissed by supposed “unbiased” fact checkers who really had extreme conflicts of interest as they were taking money from the same groups they defended. Issues such as Event 201, the creation of Covid-19 and many others could be swept under the rug in this manner. George Soros And Bill Gates Exposed As The Force Behind Facebook’s New ‘Fake News’ Detector - True Activist
The Atlantic Council partners with a group called Disinfo Portal (which is also partnered with George Soros) which claims to fight Kremlin disinformation. In reality, it exists to suppress information deemed contrary to the approved narrative of its oligarch and political owners. The group operates out of the country of Georgia. One of the people attacked by Disinfo Portal was Dilyana Gaytandshieva, a Bulgarian journalist. Dilyana is notable for being one of the first people to discuss Pentagon funded bioweapon labs abroad, including in Ukraine, Kazakhstan and Georgia. This would come to the forefront in 2022 when Russia released information from the biolabs after occupying parts of Ukraine.
Myth Detector | Countering Disinformation
But the Atlantic Council was loath to have this information come out. In 2014, Askold Krushelnycky embedded himself into the the Ukrainian Neo-Nazi group the Azov Batallion in order to write an article for The Atlantic Council depicting them as brave and benevolent defenders of their homeland. The article, The Battle For Mariupol, made no mention of the groups Nazi ideology and instead stressed that they were normal run of the mill young patriotic Ukrainians. This tame depiction makes sense when considering one donor to the Atlantic Council is Burisma Holdings, a natural gas company, which is controlled by Jewish Ukrainian oligarch Igor Kolomoisky. Kolomoisky, stunningly, funds the Azov Battalion. This bizarre coupling will be discussed later. The listed owner of Burisma is Mykola Zlockevsky but the AntiCorruption Action Center (ANTAC) discovered that the real owner was none other than Kolomoisky. Burisma Holdings is most well known for having Hunter Biden on its board in spite of him not speaking Ukrainian or having any experience in the gas business. Hunter made $50,000 a month while working for Burisma. His employment at Burisma Holdings is likely pay-to-play as they expect Biden to use his political power to manipulate the political scene and act to help them enact conditions that would be favorable to them.
The Battle For Mariupol - Atlantic Council (archive.ph) Hunter Biden In Huge Debt Despite $50,000 Monthly Salary From Burisma: Report (ibtimes.com)
Kolomoisky and Hunter were deeply tied to the biolabs in Ukraine through Burisma. The Atlantic Council formally partnered with Burisma in 2017. According to the International Business Times, “Hunter Biden's emails have revealed that he actually funded bioweapon labs in Ukraine, an accusation which Russia made on Thursday. Emails from Hunter Biden's laptop, which is abandoned now, have shown he helped secure millions of dollars of funding for Pentagon contractor Metabiota specializing in research on pandemic-causing diseases that could be used as bioweapons. Hunter introduced Metabiota to Burisma, an allegedly corrupt Ukrainian gas firm, in connection to a science project which involved high biosecurity level labs in Ukraine. In 2014, the vice president of Metabiota, ostensibly a medical data company, sent a mail to Hunter emphasizing that they could assert Ukraine's cultural and economic independence from Russia.” Hunter Biden's Emails Show He Actually Helped Fund Bioweapons Lab in Ukraine (ibtimes.sg) Hunter Biden played role in funding US bio- labs contractor in Ukraine: e-mails (nypost.com) American journalist traced the connection between Biden, Clinton and Ukrainian oligarch Pinchuk - ForumDaily (archive.ph)
Metabiota was founded by Nathan Wolfe, who sits on the board of Ecohealth Alliance with Peter Daszak. Ecohealth funded Wuhan lab’s gain of function study of bat coronaviruses and is a likely progenitor to the Covid-19 virus. In the his book, “The Viral Storm: Dawn of a New Pandemic Age” Wolfe thanked the famous sex trafficker and pedophile Jeffrey Epstein as well as Boris Nikolic. Boris was named by Epstein his successor executor in his will, which went into effect after his death. Epstein was personally obsessed with transhumanism and it is not very surprising that he would be interested in genetic bioweapons. Wolfe and Epstein’s madam Ghistlaine Maxwell have also been photographed together. Wolfe is also a young global leader at the WEF giving him a connection to the likes of Klaus Schwab and Yuval Harari. Hunter Biden’s firm Rosemont Seneca Technology Partners gave Metabiota $30 million in 2015. Metabiota is a subcontractor for the company Black and Veatch in Ukraine and Georgia. NIH gives new grant to EcoHealth Alliance to research bat coronaviruses, despite concerns over Wuhan lab link | Fox News How Are Hunter Biden, Klaus Schwab & CIA Connected To US Biolabs In Ukraine? – Pt. 2 – [your]NEWS (yournews.com) Ukraine – a modern tragedy in seven acts - The Conservative Woman
We have seen the connection of Burisma Holdings with the biolab company Metabiota and even Atlantic Council affiliated groups (with the Atlantic Council itself partnered with Burisma) try to cover up the creation of bioweapons and defame the honest journalist Dilyana. As shown before, Pinchuk is a senior advisor at the Atlantic Council giving him his own connection to the creation of bioweapons. Indeed, it goes full circle. Ian Brzezinski, the son of the chief mastermind of technocracy Zbigniew, is also a senior fellow at the Atlantic Council. Ian Brzezinski - Atlantic Council