Utah Abuse and Ukraine
David Leavitt is friends with former Ukrainian president Viktor Yushchenko. They apparently first met while Leavitt and his wife Chelom went to Ukraine to advise the Ukrainian supreme court. Yushchenko was the political rival of Viktor Yanukovych. The Orange Revolution annulled Yanukovych’s victory and handed it to Yushchenko. Many people believe George Soros and his IRF Foundation had a firm hand in the Orange Revolution and, sure enough, Soros had endorsed Yushchenko. Yanukovych was the chosen heir of former president Leonid Kuchma. As you saw in my first Substack, Kuchma’s son in law Victor Pinchuk switched his political bets after the Orange Revolution and became an ally of George Soros. Yushchenko was an important figure in rehabilitating the image of Ukrainian Nationalist and Nazi ally Stepan Bandera (who is a hero now to the Igor Kolomoisky funded Azov Battalion). The new Ukrainian president, Yushchenko was mysteriously poisoned by dioxin which left his cheeks flaky and disfigured. David Leavitt has said that sometimes Yushchenko will even come visit him in Utah. Utah County Attorney reflects on time in Ukraine amid strife | News, Sports, Jobs - Daily Herald (archive.ph) The Real Viktor Yushchenko - The American Conservative (archive.ph) Viktor Yushchenko - Wikipedia
Victor Yushchenko and the Leavitt Institute for International Development - YouTube
The Leavitt-Yuschenko friendship is far from irrelevant to the Utah abuse case. Leavitt is under investigation for his suspicious adoption of a little girl from a Northern Cheyenne Tribe in Montana. In the case, the mother but not the father consented to the adoption making it of extremely dubious legality. It appears he leveraged his connections to Yushchenko in order to broker the deal. Leavitt said, “Victor [Yushcenko] and I have this goal of introducing buffalo into western Ukraine and you’re a sovereign nation, and you have a buffalo herd, and Ukraine is a sovereign nation, and it doesn’t have a buffalo herd, but it wants one, and so I’m here to see if we can form a bilateral agreement between the people of the Northern Cheyenne and the people of Ukraine to introduce buffalo to western Ukraine.”
Video raises ethical questions about Leavitt's adoption of Native American child (fox13now.com) Thank you to MemoryHold at Rokfin for the information Memory Hold | Rokfin
There was a notable pedophilia scandal involving the Yushchenko government. One prominent leader under Yushchenko was Yulia Tymoshenko, an oligarch sometimes known as the gas princess. She was well known for her corruption (as are most Ukrainian oligarchs) but tried to rehabilitate her image by adopting a hairstyle that looks like a cross between traditional Ukrainian braids and Carrie Fisher’s hair in Star Wars. In a former Soviet Union Children’s camp called Artek, former economics minister Sergey Terekhin tied to Tymoshenko (and other unnamed figures) were accused of child molestation. This took place after Yushchenko had ordered for increased funding to Artek to save it from bankrupcy. Some accused this of being dirty allegations meant to hurt the political party with others insisting that Tymoshenko was involved in a cover up to save face. Kids raped in famous Ukrainian recreation camp? — RT World News (archive.ph) https://archive.ph/wip/MufKp Why Ukraine's Former Prime Minister (and Her Hair) Are So Important - ABC News (archive.ph)
The extent of the intermingling between Ukraine and Utah can get truly stunning. David Leavitt is connected with Republican representative Jordan Teuscher, who has a wife named Aliona. The sister of Aliona is named Yulia Tymochko (no presumed relation to Tymoshenko). Yulia Tymochko is a member of the church of the Latter-day Saints and won second place on Ukraine’s tv show “Voice of the Country”, which is functionally the American Idol of Ukraine. Her voice has appeared in videos for The Leavitt Foundation. While she is certainly not accused of any wrong-doing I thought the sheer scale of the connection was quite interesting. She is actually quite talented, but I still find it rather suspicious that her fame was brought about by the Channel 1+1 which famously made Volodymir Zelensky famous and helped him become president of Ukraine. 1+1 has the majority of its shares owned by oligarch Igor Kolomoisky. You have to wonder if she got where she was off of pure talent or whether Kolomoisky had an agenda beyond the love of music? Michael McLean's song 'Hold On' brings hope to Ukraine, his own life - LOVEBYLIFE (archive.ph) Latter-day Saint, Yulia Tymochko, Finishes as Runner Up in "Voice of Ukraine" Competition - Latter-day Saint Musicians (archive.ph) 1+1 (TV channel) - Wikipedia